Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Shipping Updates - Better News - Woody Woodson

First, much thanks for your prayers concerning Vine's shipping issues. To say they've been resolved is not totally correct, but as the Lord often does - He provides another way - & in this case - it's paying import taxes on the aid. Sounds weird - right? Having to pay taxes to donate aid? Actually, it gets stranger. It can be cheaper to pay taxes than to import tax-free. Would a short explanation help? Technically, the container shipping companies give shippers (like Vine) free use of the 40-foot box for about a week & then start charging daily penalties - & earlier in 2006, they began enforcing those penalties. Importing tax-free through the First Lady's Office of Guatemala takes a month & we've been paying $1,000 to $1,500 in penalties per tax-free container. By-passing the First Lady's Office & just paying the import tax on charitable aid is a quick process - with no penalties. We've just shipped in 2 tax-paid containers - one costing $450 & one with a lot of medicines & vitamins costing $1,550 in taxes. Overall - we're figuring the typical container will be under $1,000 in taxes - without all the delays. Between now & the end of the year, we'll be playing catch-up on our aid-levels shipped for 2007 & when the new Guatemalan administration is installed in January after elections, we'll re-visit all the tax-free issues with the new First Lady's Office. Clear as mud? There is nothing easy or simple about this process - but what we do know is that well over 100 projects in Guatemala look to Vine to assist their efforts in serving the poor in Jesus' name. So, please know - your prayers & support are effective & they keep the pipeline flowing. Again, muchas gracias.

1 comment:

mrpaul said...


Please help. We just shipped a 20ft container to Guatemala. It was filled with back-packs for school kids. These packs were filled with school supplies. We could have died when we got a bill for $4000.00 and change for taxes once in the country. I noticed you said that you could pay $1000 in taxes... that's a big leap from 4. Any suggestions or help you can provide. We ship only one container per year.... and do well to do that. Anyhow, if you can help - we appreciate it.

God Bless

Paul Hensley
Guatemala Missions