Sunday, April 8, 2007

More Than "Stuff" — Dave Russell

There's more than "stuff" in Vine's Pipeline. There are people.

There are lots of reasons that Vine “ships” people to Guatemala. Mostly it’s for connecting. People are disconnected. They are disconnected from each other, from different people groups, from the poor, from less than sterile environments, and from their own hearts. The people that come through our pipeline sometimes think they are needed, but they are needy. Sometimes they want to make a difference, but they need to be different. Sometimes they want to share their wealth, but find they are poor. Sometimes they want to find life — and they do!

They find that there is real living in losing your life and that joining the fellowship of His suffering brings fulfillment and peace. The poor, the outcast, and the oppressed give us that gift. By connecting people to medical missions, orphanages, wheelchair ministries and mission hospitals, we help those organizations with much needed manpower and resources. In this regard, Vine is a relational catalyst. We put people together in the service of the poor and nothing is ever the same again. Vine is often the silent partner in works that shout loudly about the goodness of God.

Be sure to look at the blog for our warehouse in Guatemala City.

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Gordon and Marylyn Adams said...
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