Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Sweet Spot (Dave Russell)

A few years ago I starting hearing a term in business called “The Sweet Spot.” This is a golfing term that refers to the exact spot on the face of the club that should make contact with the ball so that the ball will soar sure and straight down the fairway. Applied to business, The Sweet Spot is where your greatest talents and energies intersect with your client’s greatest need. When you’ve found the Sweet Spot, magic happens!
Personally, I am never more pumped than when my greatest talents and energies are focused on somebody-else’s greatest need, be it business or ministry (pardon the dualism). This is particularly true in my involvement with Vine. In Guatemala, there is no end of great need. Every container we send, every patient we see, every troubled soul we pray for is in our Sweet Spot –– we can’t miss.
If you can’t miss, if you’re always in the “zone”, if you’re always “on your game”, wouldn’t you play every day? This is our opportunity with this ministry. We are expanding the Kingdom by equipping fellow saints who are intersecting people at their point of need with their greatestS strength. Now, that’s SWEET.


Gordon and Marylyn Adams said...


This now looks great! Hope you start getting hits (AND comments). How do we train people to use the comments feature?

Anonymous said...

Great work.